Saturday, February 6, 2010

Waking up

I once knew an anesthesiologist who was asked by a curious patient how he put people to sleep, and he explained how he gave them drugs.

"But how do you wake them up?"

"Well, I just stop giving them the drugs, and eventually they wake up..."

The question then becomes how does one wake up from the dreaming state?  Perhaps it's the analogy of just stop feeding the dream state, to find some method of exiting the world of possiblility and what ifs into the state of what is and how it is that it is. 

Somehow this sort of metaphor feels specious, rigid and inflexible yet in another way zen-like with a jewel like symmetry.  Ah well, I feel compelled here once again to consider everything, but to believe nothing, feet firmly planted into the world of maybe logic, caught up in some Heisenberg Principle of consciousness.

Sometimes the answer lies merely in the asking of the question....

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